lauantai 5. toukokuuta 2012

Superkuu paistaa,

on hiirenkorvainen toukokuun yö.
Onkohan mistään aiheesta runoiltu yhtä paljon kuin kuusta?
Tässä Donovanin (Donovan Philips Leitch, s. 1946) säkeitä kuusta - kaiketi tosin puolikuusta, joka on kuin vene.  

The moon is like a boat, my love,
Of lemon peel afloat, my love,
And with a sail of gauze, my love,
And seems to slightly pause
Upon her silent way,
All on her silent way.

I see her pearly decks, my love,
Set in with twinkling specks, my love,
I see her pearly mast, my love
Far from her seashell past
And gently does she sway
All on her starry way.

Of silk they have been spun, my love,
Her ropes that limply run, my love
Down to the carved prow, my love,
Down to her mermaid prow
And softly does she sway
All on her starry way.

All in ther Sea of Sky, my love,
The moonships sail and fly, my love,
Though many are their kind, my love,
Though all need but one wind
To make their starry way,
To make their starry way.

And there will come a time, my love,
O may it be in mine, my love,
When men will proudly rise, my love,
And board to sail the skies
Moonships from all the spheres
Moonships from all the spheres.

The men be bathed in light, my love,
The women clothed in white, my love,
All in that woundrous fleet, my love,
As each the other meets
Will smile and softly sing,
Will smile and softly sing.

And on some distant sand, my love,
The ships will genlty land, my love.
Fair folk will meet them there, my love,
With golden flowing hair
And great will be their joy,
And great will be their joy.

The moon is like a boat, my love,
Of lemon peel afloat, my love,
And with a sail of gauze, my love,
And seems to slightly pause
Upon her silent way.
All on her silent way.

Hieman samanlaisissa tunnelmissa katseli kuuta V. A. Koskenniemi  kirjoittaessaan runoa Kuutamolla, joka ilmestyi vuonna 1917 kokoelmassa Elegioja ja muita runoja.


Oi, armas, mikä ilta kuutamon!
Oi, armas, autuus meitä läsnä on.

Kuin lumottuina lehdet niinipuun
ne värähtelee hopeassa kuun.

Kuin lumottuna sydän vaikenee
ja hiljaisuutta pyhää kuuntelee.

Oi, armas, mikä ilta kuutamon!
On taivas niinkuin meri rannaton.

On niinkuin ikuisuuden kellot sois.
Kuun venheessä me soutakaamme pois...

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